A new kindergarten was opened in the city of Aktau using the PPP mechanism due to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The grand opening of the new kindergarten No. 15 “Orken” took place in the 6th microdistrict of the city of Aktau on December 16, 2018. The opening ceremony was attended by Akim of the Mangystau region Tugzhanov E., Akim of the city of Aktau Niyazov G., acting the head of the Department of Education Koizhanov N., and other invited guests, as well as residents of the city of Aktau
The project was initiated by the regional department of education and implemented by attracting investments of "Nasihat Kurylys" LLP in the amount of 307.5 million tenge with the advisory support of "Mangistau regional PPP center" JSC.
The new kindergarten is designed for 280 places. It provides modern, equipped with necessary equipment, classrooms, music and gymnasiums, comfortable children's bedrooms, game rooms and playgrounds that meet the requirements of sanitary standards, psychology rooms, a speech therapist, a physical education instructor, a music director, etc.
This kindergarten is the sixth regional project implemented under the mechanism of public-private partnership in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on PPP.

Date of publishing: 17 December 2018
31 May 2019
Seminar "On public-private partnership" for civil servants of Mangystau region.
On May 30 - 31, 2019, a regular seminar on “On public-private partnership” was held at the site of the branch of the State Enterprise “Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan” of the Mangystau region.
29 December 2018
The grand opening of the new Kindergarten on the PPP mechanism took place in the city of Aktau
On December 29, 2018, the grand opening of the new Kindergarten №51 took place in the 27th microdistrict of Aktau, using the mechanism of public-private partnership. Deputy Akim of Aktau Koshmaganbetov T., Deputy Head of the Department of Education Mamaeva G. and other invited guests, as well as residents of the city of Aktau took part in the opening ceremony.
29 December 2018
The grand opening of the new Kindergarten on the PPP mechanism took place in the city of Aktau
On December 29, 2018, the grand opening of the new Kindergarten No. 55 took place in the 13th microdistrict of Aktau, using the mechanism of public-private partnership. Deputy Akim of Aktau Koshmaganbetov T., Deputy Head of the Department of Education Mamaeva G. and other invited guests, as well as residents of the city of Aktau took part in the opening ceremony.
17 December 2018
A new kindergarten was opened in the city of Aktau using the PPP mechanism due to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The grand opening of the new kindergarten No. 15 “Orken” took place in the 6th microdistrict of the city of Aktau on December 16, 2018. The opening ceremony was attended by Akim of the Mangystau region Tugzhanov E., Akim of the city of Aktau Niyazov G., acting the head of the Department of Education Koizhanov N., and other invited guests, as well as residents of the city of Akta
2 December 2018
A new kindergarten was opened in the village of Mangistau, Munaily district using the PPP mechanism.
Due to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, December 1, 2018 in the residential area of Bozhyr (Mangystau-2), Mangistau village, Munayly district, took place solemn opening of the new kindergarten "Zhanimay", which is the fifth regional project implemented in accordance with the Law of Republic of Kazakhstan "About PPP".
4 May 2018
A new sports hall with the use of the PPP mechanism opened in the city of Aktau
On May 3, 2018, in the 11th micro-district of the city of Aktau, the grand opening of the multi-disciplinary sports hall "Academy of Ballet and Gymnastics Olympus" was held in the territory of secondary school No. 10, which is the third regional project implemented by the mechanism of public-private partnership since the beginning of 2018.
2 May 2018
A desalination plant with a capacity of 50,000 m3 / day will be built in the village of Kuryk, Mangistau region.
The construction of a new desalination plant with a capacity of 50,000 m3/day was launched on May 1st, 2018 in the village of Kuryk, Karakiya district, Mangistau region.
7 April 2018
The first PPP project in the field of healthcare was implemented in Mangistau region.
On April 6, 2018, the grand opening of the hemodialysis center took place in the city of Zhanaozen, Mangistau region.
5 March 2018
A sports hall with the use of the PPP mechanism opened in the city of Aktau
On March 4, 2018, a wide-profile sports hall "CrossFit Aktau" was opened in the territory of the secondary school №28, 29 microdistricts of the city of Aktau.
24 January 2018
Organization of the Hemodialysis Center in Zhanaozen Mangistau region
On January 24, 2018, the PPP contract was concluded between the Regional Health Department and the "Clinic of Endosurgery" LLP, city of Astana, on the organization of the hemodialysis center in Zhanaozen, Mangistau region in the amount of 51.0 million tenge for a period of 10 years.
9 December 2017
A new sports hall was built with the use of the PPP mechanism in the city of Aktau
On December 9, 2017, in the 3rd micro district of the city of Aktau, the grand opening of the multi-disciplinary sports hall in the territory of the secondary school No. 2 was held, which is the first regional project implemented by the mechanism of public-private partnership in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On PPP".
18 October 2017
Briefing by Mr. Alibekova E, Chairman of the Board of JSC " Mangystau regional public-private partnership center" at the site of the Regional Communication Service of Mangistau region"
On October 18, 2017, the press conference of the Chairman of the Board of JSC “Mangistau regional PPP center” (hereinafter referred to as the PPP Center) Mr. Alibekov E.